- Audience: Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik (Winter Term)
- Credit Points: 6 CP
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (MCI-W)
This course teaches the foundations of Human-Computer Interaction, starting with an understanding of the human physiology and psychology, to important concepts such as mental models and design principles. Besides, the foundations of GUI development with JavaFX are presented. A practical part deepens the understanding of those, specifically focusing on creating form-based interfaces. For more information take a look into the module manual (Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik).
Usability und User Experience Evaluationsmethoden (UEM)
How can we evaluate the Usability and User Experience of an interaction technology or app design? This course will provide an overview of the "method cookbook" which has been developed in the field of HCI in the last 20-30 years. Besides, students will work on a real evaluation project, including planning, organising, running and analyzing a user study. Grading will be based on this project work, a presentation, and a summarizing paper. For more information take a look into the module manual (Bachelor Medieninformatik).
- Audience: Bachelor Medieninformatik (Summer Term)
- Credit Points: 6 CP
- Audience: Master Medieninformatik (Winter Term)
- Credit Points: 6 CP
Interaktive Kollaborative Arbeitsumgebungen (IKA)
How technology shapes the way we work in the future is a topic which is widely recognized for its importance. In this course, we cover how humans can work together in collaborative work environments and how technology allows us to support creative activities. Students will work on a real-world project focusing on a particular technology or problem space. Grading will be based on this project work, a presentation, and a summarizing paper. For more information take a look into the module manual (Master Medieninformatik).
Usability und Interaction Design (UID)
Enabling humans to interact with technology requires to implement and design such interactions. This course teaches the principles of interaction design, including methods for understanding and analyzing user needs, creating design-informing models and prototyping interaction. Students will work on a real-world interaction design project covering all four phases of interaction design. Grading will be based on this project work, a presentation, and a summarizing paper. For more information take a look into the module manual (Master Medieninformatik).
- Audience: Master Medieninformatik (Summer Term)
- Credit Points: 6 CP